Promote Organic Farming
Along the journey, Baba had realized that there were many consumers who knew about the benefits of organic products, but the majority of them still do not purchase them. Why is that so?
After conducting extensive research, it was found that consumers were unable to differentiate between organic and non-organic products. Apart from this, Baba also found out that there were many organic products in the market but the products do not have proper organic certification.
Eventually, the consumers will have doubts in buying these organic products. Hence, they will generally raise their guard against organic products, which in turn will create a negative impact on the genuine organic dealers in terms of sales.
Therefore, in order to promote organic products to consumers, Baba has set up a specialized department that is responsible for developing a set of strict environmentally friendly standards for organic farming. Organic farmers will have their products screened through for identification, audit and verification before being certified by 【Earth Tag】.
Products that bear the Earth Tag certification stamp will be known as having undergone strict monitoring and inspection standards. Earth Tag certification not only helps to prove the authenticity of organic farmers, but also plays a role to protect the consumers.
Today,【Earth Tag Organic Certification】has been validated by Taiwan’s largest International Organic Certification Body – 『Tse-Xin Organic Certification Corporation』and is deemed to be credible. Moreover, this will help to create opportunities and pave the way for Malaysian organic farmers to gain international recognition.
Earth Tag Organic Standard
【Earth Tag】 is not just a non profit organization, but Malaysia’s first community certification standard as well, introduced to help consumers recognize “real organic”.
【Earth Tag Organic Standard】 were set up using the organic standard of 6 countries and are confirmed to suit Malaysia’s farming environment. Earth Tag is also a member of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Family Standards.
The purpose of going organic is not just to safeguard the health of humans, but to protect the land and the environment as well as establish an ecosystem where agriculture is sustainable.
Certification is an important driver of going organic, because certification from a third party gives producers a standard to follow and consumers a clear identification method.